Friday, November 19, 2010

Roots 2

The previous post was about my mom's family. This picture is on my dad's side. Thanks to my cousin, Scott Porter, for giving me information about websites on our family's history. I clicked link, after link and found this picture. It appears that this is a picture of when my grandfather and grandmother were baptized in 1913 at Mt. Tabor Baptist Church in Pleasant Shade, TN. From the names on the site, the third guy from the left is Lee Porter, my grandfather, and the third girl from the left is Clara Gregory, my grandmother! I'm assuming this is before they were married since it still has her maiden name. How cool is that!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


While in Nashville for Mama's funeral, two of her 2nd cousins, brothers Talmadge and Kenneth Woodall (they must have been in their late 70's, early 80's) came for visitation. They were so great! Two of the funniest men I think I've ever met. They brought us pictures of our great grandfather, his brothers, and of our great-great grandparents. These pics are awesome. We figured the time in relation to my mom's age and they most have been taken in the mid to late 1800's.

In this picture are standing L-R,
James Oliver Woodall, Jesse Woodall, Sam Woodall and Will Woodall (my great-grandfather). Seated are James and Jane Bradley Woodall, my GREAT GREAT grandparents! How cool is that!

The story told to be the truth is that Uncle Sam's wife (Sam pictured above) tried to poison him. It is told that Jane (his mom, pictured above) sewed money into his pants and sent Sam and his wife to Texas ... the wife didn't know about the money, and there was only enough to get him back to Tennessee and she was left in Texas!

This is probably my
favorite picture ... They had a family band! Must be where my love of music comes from.

These are the same brothers ... James Oliver Woodall, Will Woodall (my great grandfather, center with the fiddle), Sam Woodall and sitting, Jesse Woodall ... and an unknown wife is standing. But I think I'm going to identify her ... I'm going to say this is Sam's wife ... the one that tried to poison him! I think it'll add more spice to the story!

Monday, November 8, 2010