Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Aliens Among Us!

Hope for those with teenagers, especially high school seniors!

I believe I have received a revelation! Ladies, remember when you were pregnant with your child? When you first found out ... how excited you were? How you couldn't wait for that sweet bundle of joy to get here? THEN ... about the last six week of the pregnancy ... you were SO miserable, you thought you'd be prepared to do anything to get this alien out of your body! When you gave birth you finally had your sweet bundle of joy ... but ... in about 16 months to 2 years , you saw a glimpse of the alien reappearing!

Well, now that I have a senior in high school, "It's 'deja vu' all over again"! I believe God prepares us for birth by making us miserable, then we get a few good years with our sweet children . But THEN ... the last years before our teens leave us, He allows "invasion of the body snatchers" into our homes! (I've had this confirmed by many fellow parents of seniors). I believe this happens so we are prepared to let them go! If God did not turn them into aliens, we'd want to hang to them forever ... but our job is about over as parents ... we did the best we could, and must be prepared to let these aliens go ... gladly!

I hear from parents of older children, they do eventually return from the aliens and become fine young adults! I'm waiting!

And ... until then ... please pray for all the parents of seniors!

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