Thursday, June 19, 2008

Flying Penguin

This is so cute! I believe he thinks he is really flying!

Not sure the chicken is as excited about it!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Caught Red-handed (or Red-beaked)?

Apparently, somewhere in Scotland, this seagull steals the same flavor Doritos everyday. Locals love him so much, they have started paying for his Doritos ... LOL!

You go, gull! (Pardon the pun).

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day

For all you Dad's with daughters ...
I think Gene may have written these rules!
Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 6, 2008


You've probably seen this, but this is the funniest video EVER! And I thought my dog was crazy!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Attack of the 50 ft Woman

Hmmmm ... Ever have a childhood memory pop into your head for no apparent reason? Well, I just had the strangest flashback. When I was a kid, every afternoon there was a show on TV called "The Big Show". It showed an old B&W movie each day. For some reason, I remember a movie called "The Attack of the 50 Ft Woman." This woman was attacked by some giant being (I guess from outer space) and she grew to be 50 ft tall! What is so strange is the thing I really remember about it was that she would roam around reeking havoc in town & looking for her unfaithful husband (or boyfriend ... not sure which) shouting "HARRY ... HARRY" in a deep scary voice! I was very frightened by her!

And one more thing ... Why is it she outgrew her clothes, but not her undergarments? hmmm .... Kind of like the Hulk ... He still manages to have his pants on after his shirt and shoes seem to pop off during his growth spurt!

Hmmm ... hence ... The Random Thoughts of Coletteg!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Dear Graduates,
Make good decisions in life ... Think before you act!

Don't be like little kitteh here! I don't think he thought this through! (Actually, kitteh IS the way that LOLCATS spell it ... as you can see ... dey not very gud spellers)! :)