Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Attack of the 50 ft Woman

Hmmmm ... Ever have a childhood memory pop into your head for no apparent reason? Well, I just had the strangest flashback. When I was a kid, every afternoon there was a show on TV called "The Big Show". It showed an old B&W movie each day. For some reason, I remember a movie called "The Attack of the 50 Ft Woman." This woman was attacked by some giant being (I guess from outer space) and she grew to be 50 ft tall! What is so strange is the thing I really remember about it was that she would roam around reeking havoc in town & looking for her unfaithful husband (or boyfriend ... not sure which) shouting "HARRY ... HARRY" in a deep scary voice! I was very frightened by her!

And one more thing ... Why is it she outgrew her clothes, but not her undergarments? hmmm .... Kind of like the Hulk ... He still manages to have his pants on after his shirt and shoes seem to pop off during his growth spurt!

Hmmm ... hence ... The Random Thoughts of Coletteg!

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