Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Playground Equipment

You know, with our new playground equipment going in down in the Preschool Department, it made me think ... back in the 60's ... we had perfectly good equipment ... remember? Boy, those were the days!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, NASA

You know ... I've always heard the saying "old as dirt." I just found out I'm not just "old as", but, "older than" NASA! I guess I thought NASA was old as dirt, too.
I remember when I was VERY young, we all went outside one night in the yard between my house and my neighbors house to watch Sputnik fly over. I remember it looked like a moving star and my older sister was afraid it was going to fall on her. If it was the first Sputnik that was launched, I wasn't even a year old! (Of course I can remember what happened before I was even a year old, but can't remember why I walked to the pantry ... was it to get something out ... was it to put something back ... let's go back to what I was doing see if I can remember what I need to do)!
Anyway ... back to the subject ... Happy 50th , NASA - July 29, 1958 - July 29, 2008.

Yep ... know how she feels!

I'm really looking forward to the Walmart opening on Pelham Road! However, having to get all dressed up is a bummer!

Monday, July 21, 2008

'Til the Cows Come Home

OK ... for those of you who reacted this way ...
... about this post...

... Let me s'plain ...
Ever heard the saying ... You can DO something "Until the Cows Come Home?"
Get it ... "I'm home ... Now Stop DOING that?"
Get it? The Cow is home now? ...
Oh ... nevermind ... Ange, I guess you and me are the only ones that get it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Totally Looks Like

To honor the launch of a new website I found ..., here is my version ...

Banjo Squirrel Totally Looks Like David Kay!
(This one's for you, Jocelyn! LOL)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Great Church Sign!

I'm a uber Google users ... but this is so true! :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Totally Random

This has nothing to do with anything ... just thought it was funny! One ugly cat!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

If You're Happy ...

"If you're happy and you know it, you are probably annoying someone who isn't." Anita Renfroe

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July Fireworks

The family (Me, Gene & Courtney) ... went to Nashville to see my family over the 4th of July holiday ... We went to downtown Nashville (where I worked for 15 years) to watch the fireworks ... I have seen 4th of July fireworks many places, including on the mall in Washington, DC and Nashville does one of the best jobs I've ever seen. The fireworks are choreographed with the Nashville Symphony ... it was awesome ... maybe even better than DC!

If you ever get a chance to go ... GO! They have all kinds of 'stuff' going on all day on the 4th on the Riverfront downtown ... including free music!

Here is a small sample of the 15-20 minute show that ended the day.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Another of my all time favorite videos!

Happy 4th and be careful where you light those fireworks!