Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Good Grief!

OK ... most of you know that my mother-in-law has moved in with us... she has been wonderful. She can stay as long as she wants. My little dog, Puff, loves her. She has kept him for us numerous times when we were out of town in the past. You mention the name 'grandma', he goes nuts.

Anyway ... I figured when she moved in, he would be partial to her. No so much. Last night she was helping me get laundry out of the dryer and Puff starting doing his little dance like he wanted something. She said she would take care of it a started down the stairs to see what he wanted. He wouldn't go. I thought maybe he wanted on his blankie at the foot of my bed so I put him up there ... NOPE ... he got down and started dancing again. I said ... "I think he wants me!" I started down the stairs and he took off. He waited for me at the bottom of the stairs and then waited for me until I walked into the room where we keep his water bowl (Gene was even sitting in the room right next to his bowl)! He just wanted water but I had to escort him to it! Can you say SPOILED ROTTEN!

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