Wednesday, November 28, 2007


My niece (creator of introduced me to a hilarious website with LOLCATS ... Of course, you have to have a warped sense of humor like me to enjoy these!

Since my stapler has been missing from my office for about a year now, I thought this one was appropriate! (You'd be suprised what goes missing from a church office!)

Funny Pictures

Monday, November 26, 2007

Only in Tennessee!

OK, I'm a native Tennessean so Gene, Courtney & I went to Nashville for Thanksgiving.

First, Courtney drove the entire way ... with Gene in the front seat next to her. Gene is not a talker when we travel, but he 'instructed' her the entire time! So Puff and I just slept in the back seat ... if I was going to die, I didn't want to know it :) ... Anyway, she did fine and we made it safe and sound.

When got off the Interstate in Nashville, we were sitting at a stop light when a van pulled up next to us. Courtney starting yelling ... "Ewwwwww"! There were two old ladies in the van and the one in the passenger seat had her teeth in her hand! But that was not all ... she was picking them! I laughed until I cried all the way to my mom's house!

"If you are picking you teeth ... and they are in your hand ... You Might be a Redneck!" :)

Only in Tennessee!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just Wanted to Blog

OK ... It's almost 9:30 pm on Tuesday before Thanksgiving ... It's been a hectic day! Since I'm trying to get 5 days work into 3 this week (office is closed Thursday & Friday), I thought I'd work on updating here on Gene's laptop. Our website host is having an issue with a feature I'm trying to use ... so I gave up, sent them a support request and decided to blog.

Let's get my mind off my day and be thankful for something.

I am looking forward to seeing my family this week ... ALL of us only get together about twice a year. I guess the thing I'm most thankful for is that my family gets along so great! All we do on Thanksgiving and Christmas is eat and LAUGH! (and my brother's wife is the best cook in the world). I now have family not only in Tennessee & Georgia ... but in NYC too! We have many, many different personalities, careers, likes & dislikes ... but the thing we have most in common is that we always get along. I know that is because of how my mom (83 years old) and dad (now in heaven) raised us and it trickled down to our spouses and offspring. I know that our "out-laws" think we're crazy, and we are the LOUD Family ... but we ALWAYS have fun!

OK, now I feel better. Thanks for listening!

p.s. Please pray as we travel to Nashville Thursday ... Gene said he is going to let Courtney drive! I mean it ... pray for us! :0

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007