Monday, November 26, 2007

Only in Tennessee!

OK, I'm a native Tennessean so Gene, Courtney & I went to Nashville for Thanksgiving.

First, Courtney drove the entire way ... with Gene in the front seat next to her. Gene is not a talker when we travel, but he 'instructed' her the entire time! So Puff and I just slept in the back seat ... if I was going to die, I didn't want to know it :) ... Anyway, she did fine and we made it safe and sound.

When got off the Interstate in Nashville, we were sitting at a stop light when a van pulled up next to us. Courtney starting yelling ... "Ewwwwww"! There were two old ladies in the van and the one in the passenger seat had her teeth in her hand! But that was not all ... she was picking them! I laughed until I cried all the way to my mom's house!

"If you are picking you teeth ... and they are in your hand ... You Might be a Redneck!" :)

Only in Tennessee!

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