Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Day in the Corn!

Yesterday, our ministerial staff generously took us out for a Staff Fun Day thanking us for the work we did this past year, especially on The Greenhouse. First ... thank you staff (especially Angela for planning it all), it was a BLAST!

We went to Stewart Farms in Enoree to their corn maize and pumpkin patch. We split up in teams of 3 and 4 and went off into the maize. Unfortunately, I had just seen some of the movie "Children of the Corn" the day before! They told us not to run, but I said if I see someone coming after me with a bloody knife ... I'm RUNNING! :) Our team was Marshall, David Kay, Eva Croy and me. Let's just say all the other teams were out of the maize (some went through twice) and were waiting on us for around 50 minutes! They finally sent in the troops to lead us out! I haven't laughed that much in a long time! Marshall was analyzing and David was go, go, go ... we had missed the way out several times by just a few feet! (beware the number 8)!

Once we got out we had a great lunch prepared by Angela and all received award certificates individualized for each of us! We then rode on a tractor pulled wagon to the pumpkin patch. We picked our own pumpkins, had our picture made by "The Greenhouse" and rode back up the hill on the wagon for more fun and games.

We had a playdough sculpture contest, tic-tac-toe with Smarties and a pumpkin carving contest. The weather was beautiful and the company was GREAT!

Thanks again for a great day!

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