Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My first blog

This is a first for me! Let's see, what do you need to know today?

In the past month, I've been to Jamaica (with Gene), Chicago, The University of Notre Dame and Granger, IN (with Angela & Carla, the Carter girls) ... more traveling than I've done in a year!

Courtney was mad, 'cuz she didn't get to go on any of the trips ... but she and Justin couldn't have been without each other that long anyway! :) But they did rack up on the goodies we brought back!

Jamaica was HOT ... I found out it was the time of year there are no tradewinds there! Even the locals go on vacation ... but it was still fun! Pic of Montego Bay ... the water is REALLY that color!

Chicago was a blast... (best Pizza EVER). Pic of Angela driving in Chicago traffic during rush hour. She's my new hero!

Notre Dame was interesting (great marching band ... and the football team ...well, maybe next year). Stadium pic.

... and Granger restored my hope in people! (and the best quesadilla EVER). Pic is of Granger Community Church.

Three of us from BCBC (my new bff's Angela & Carla) went to Granger Community Church for their Innovate Conference. I recommend this conference, HIGHLY for anyone! What a breath of fresh air the people of Northern Indiana were! They were even more than gracious at the Target! And for you sweet tea drinkers, ANY Chick-fil-A in the country has Sweet Tea! I didn't think I'd see sweet tea or hospitality that far north!

OK ... that's all I can think of for now ...

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